Capturing the Essence: SWC SALGA National Lekgotla 2024 in Cape Town

As a professional event photographer in Cape Town, I recently had the honour of capturing the SALGA Women's Commission (SWC) National Lekgotla. This prestigious event took place on 26-27 September 2024 at the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC), bringing together influential women in local government from across South Africa.

Enthusiastic SALGA delegate in traditional South African attire at SALGA event, captured by Cape Town event photographer

Celebrating 30 Years of Democracy

The Lekgotla's theme, "Celebrating 30 years of democracy towards Women's Development in Local Government," provided a platform to reflect on the progress made in women's representation and participation in local governance. As a Cape Town photographer specialising in corporate events, I was entrusted with the task of visually documenting this significant gathering.

Real-Time Coverage: Capturing the Moment

One of the exciting challenges of this event was the client's request for real-time images during the conference sessions. They wanted to keep their social media platforms up to date with fresh content throughout the day.

I found myself not just capturing moments, but also quickly selecting and editing standout images on the fly. This real-time approach added an extra layer of excitement to the shoot and really kept the adrenaline flowing!

Panel discussion on women's leadership at SWC SALGA Lekgotla, documented by professional Cape Town photographer

A Gathering of Influential Women

The Lekgotla brought together approximately 550 delegates, including:

  • SWC Provincial Chairpersons
  • SALGA National and Provincial Executive Committee female members
  • Chairpersons of Multiparty Women Caucuses
  • Female Speakers from municipalities across South Africa

This diverse group of influential women leaders created powerful imagery and memorable moments that I was able to capture through my lens, both for the official record and for immediate social media use.

Highlights of the Event


The first day was a whirlwind of activity. It featured:

  • Official opening and welcome addresses
  • Keynote speeches from prominent figures
  • Panel discussions on women's roles in strengthening democracy
  • Presentations on gender equality and women's empowerment

As an experienced corporate event photographer, I focused on capturing these crucial moments, from the expressions of passionate speakers to the attentive audience. All while keeping an eye out for those perfect social media shots that would instantly convey the energy and importance of the event to online followers.


The evening hosted the Local Government Women Leadership Development Programme and Municipal Women Leadership Excellence Awards. This glamorous affair included:

  • Red carpet arrivals
  • Inspiring speeches
  • Awards ceremony
  • Dinner and entertainment

My expertise in gala event photography ensured that every smile, handshake, and award presentation was beautifully documented.

Elegant female singer performing at SALGA gala dinner, captured by professional Cape Town event photographer


The second day focused on:

  • Progress reports on SWC initiatives
  • Election of the new SWC National Chairperson
  • Adoption of the Lekgotla Declaration

Throughout these important sessions, I focused on capturing clear, high-quality images for both archival purposes and immediate social media use. The real-time coverage allowed the organizers to keep their online audience engaged and informed throughout the proceedings. This approach is similar to my work at other high-profile corporate events in Cape Town, where balancing comprehensive documentation with the need for quick, shareable content is crucial.

The Importance of Professional Event Photography

Events like the SWC SALGA National Lekgotla deserve more than just casual snapshots. As a seasoned event photographer in Cape Town, I focused on capturing:

  • Key speakers and their expressions
  • Audience engagement and reactions
  • Networking moments and interactions
  • Award presentations and celebrations
  • The overall atmosphere and energy of the event

These images not only serve as a record of the event but also provide valuable content for future promotions, reports, and of course, immediate social media engagement.

Newly elected SALGA SWC chairperson Cllr Nomvuyo Mphoselwa speech, captured by professional

Why Choose a Professional for Your Event Photography

Opting for a professional corporate event photographer in Cape Town ensures:

  • High-quality images that reflect the professionalism of your event
  • Comprehensive coverage of all aspects of the program
  • Quick turnaround for immediate use in press releases or social media
  • An unobtrusive presence that doesn't disrupt the flow of your event
  • Expertise in handling various lighting conditions and venue layouts


The SWC SALGA National Lekgotla 2024 was a momentous occasion, celebrating women's achievements in local government and charting the course for future progress. As a Cape Town event photographer, I was honored to play a role in documenting this important gathering, both for posterity and for real-time social media engagement.

If you're planning a corporate event, conference, or gala in Cape Town and need a professional photographer to capture its essence - whether for long-term use or immediate social media coverage - contact me to discuss how we can create lasting memories of your special occasion.