Top 10 Iconic Cape Town Locations for Stunning Photography

As a professional photographer in Cape Town, I've had the privilege of capturing the Mother City's breathtaking beauty through my lens for over a decade. Cape Town's diverse landscapes, from rugged coastlines to majestic mountains, provide an unparalleled canvas for photographers of all levels. In this guide, I'll share my top 10 iconic Cape Town locations for stunning photography, along with insider tips to help you capture that perfect shot.

Panoramic view of Table Mountain towards the 12 Apostles

Panoramic view of Table Mountain towards the 12 Apostles

1. Table Mountain

No list of Cape Town photography locations would be complete without the city's most famous landmark. Table Mountain offers panoramic views of the city, coastline, and surrounding mountains.

Best time: Early morning for soft light or late afternoon for golden hour shots.

Photography tip: Use a wide-angle lens to capture the expansive views. On clear days, include the city or coastline in your foreground for added depth.

Gear suggestion: Tripod for stable shots, especially in low light conditions.

2. Bo-Kaap

This colorful neighborhood, with its vibrant houses and cobblestone streets, is a photographer's dream.

Best time: Mid-morning when the streets come alive, or during the "blue hour" just after sunset for a magical atmosphere.

Photography tip: Focus on contrasting colors and interesting architectural details. Don't be afraid to include local residents (with permission) for authentic street photography.

Gear suggestion: A 35mm or 50mm prime lens for versatile street shots.

African penguins on Boulders Beach, popular wildlife photography spot in Cape Town

African penguins on Boulders Beach, popular wildlife photography spot in Cape Town

3. Boulders Beach

Home to a colony of African penguins, Boulders Beach offers unique wildlife photography opportunities.

Best time: Early morning or late afternoon when the penguins are most active.

Photography tip: Get low to the ground for eye-level shots of the penguins. Use a fast shutter speed to capture their movements.

Gear suggestion: Telephoto lens (70-200mm or longer) for close-up wildlife shots without disturbing the penguins.

Cape Point view from the lighthouse on the Atlantic Ocean

Cape Point view from the lighthouse on the Atlantic Ocean

4. Cape Point

The rugged beauty of Cape Point, where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans meet, provides dramatic landscapes and seascapes.

Best time: Late afternoon for golden light on the cliffs, or on stormy days for moody atmospheric shots.

Photography tip: Include the old lighthouse in your compositions for a sense of scale. Look for opportunities to capture the diverse flora and fauna.

Gear suggestion: Neutral density filters for long exposure shots of the ocean.

5. Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden

This stunning garden, set against the eastern slopes of Table Mountain, offers a mix of landscaped gardens and natural forest.

Best time: Spring (August to November) for colourful flower displays, or any season for lush greenery.

Photography tip: Use leading lines in the garden paths to draw the eye through your image. The Tree Canopy Walkway provides unique elevated perspectives.

Gear suggestion: Macro lens for detailed flower and insect photography.

6. Lion's Head

Offering 360-degree views of Cape Town, Lion's Head is popular for both sunrise and sunset photography.

Best time: Sunrise for a quieter experience, or sunset for classic golden hour shots of the city.

Photography tip: Capture the spiral path up the mountain for interesting foreground elements. On full moon nights, you can capture the moonrise over the city.

Gear suggestion: A lightweight but sturdy tripod for low-light shots.

7. Muizenberg Beach

Known for its colourful beach huts, Muizenberg Beach is a favourite among Cape Town photographers.

Best time: Early morning for calm waters and fewer people, or sunset for vibrant sky colorus.

Photography tip: Use the leading lines of the beach huts to create dynamic compositions. Capture surfers in action for added interest.

Gear suggestion: A polarizing filter to enhance sky and water colours.

V&A Waterfront Cape Town, with view towards Table Moutain

V&A Waterfront Cape Town, with view towards Table Moutain

8. V&A Waterfront

This bustling harbour offers a mix of historical and modern architecture, with Table Mountain as a backdrop.

Best time: Blue hour (just after sunset) when the city lights come on but there's still colour in the sky.

Photography tip: Use the Ferris wheel or clock tower as focal points in your compositions. Reflections in the harbour water can add depth to your images.

Gear suggestion: A sturdy tripod for sharp long-exposure night shots.

9. Chapman's Peak Drive

This scenic coastal road offers numerous pull-over spots with breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean and surrounding mountains.

Best time: Late afternoon for golden light on the cliffs, or during whale watching season (June to December) for possible marine life shots.

Photography tip: Use your vehicle or the road itself as a foreground element to add depth to your landscape shots.

Gear suggestion: Graduated neutral density filters to balance bright skies with darker foregrounds.

10. District Six

While not traditionally "beautiful," District Six holds immense historical significance and offers powerful opportunities for documentary photography.

Best time: Mid-morning or mid-afternoon for good light without harsh shadows.

Photography tip: Focus on details that tell the story of this area's past and present. Respectfully capture the remaining buildings and community life.

Gear suggestion: A versatile zoom lens (24-70mm) for both wide and detailed shots.

Safety Advisory for Photographers in Cape Town

As a professional Cape Town photographer, I can't stress enough the importance of safety while capturing the beauty of our city. While Cape Town is generally safe for photographers, it's crucial to stay aware of your surroundings and take precautions to protect yourself and your equipment.

General Safety Tips:

  • Be aware of your surroundings: Always stay alert, especially when using expensive camera equipment.
  • Travel in groups: Whenever possible, photograph with a friend or join a photography group, especially in remote areas or during early/late hours.
  • Research before you go: Check recent safety reports for your chosen location before visiting.
  • Inform someone of your plans: Always let someone know where you're going and when you expect to return.
  • Keep your equipment secure: Use a sturdy camera strap and keep your gear close to you at all times.
  • Don't leave equipment visible in your car: Store gear in the trunk or take it with you.
  • Respect wildlife and nature: Keep a safe distance from animals and stay on designated paths.

Location-Specific Safety Advice:

  • Table Mountain and Lion's Head: Stick to marked trails and avoid hiking alone. Check weather conditions before setting out, as conditions can change rapidly.
  • Bo-Kaap: While generally safe during the day, be respectful when photographing in this residential area. Always ask for permission before taking photos of people or private property.
  • Cape Point: Be cautious of baboons in the area. Never feed them or leave food visible.
  • Muizenberg Beach: Be mindful of the tides and strong currents. Keep an eye on your belongings on the beach.
  • Chapman's Peak Drive: Park only in designated areas and be cautious when stopping for photos, as the road can be narrow and winding.
  • District Six: As with any urban area, stay alert and avoid displaying expensive equipment openly.

Remember, no photograph is worth risking your safety. Trust your instincts and if a situation feels unsafe, it's better to return another time or choose a different location.

By following these safety guidelines, you can focus on capturing stunning images while enjoying a secure photography experience in Cape Town.


Cape Town's diverse landscapes and rich culture offer endless opportunities for stunning photography. As a professional photographer in Cape Town, I'm continually inspired by these iconic locations. Each visit brings new perspectives and chances to capture the city's ever-changing beauty.

Remember, while these are some of the most photogenic spots in Cape Town, the city has many more hidden gems waiting to be discovered. Always respect local regulations, wildlife, and communities when photographing.

Are you looking to elevate your photography skills or capture professional-quality images of your time in Cape Town? Whether you're an amateur looking to improve your skills or a visitor wanting to capture memories of your trip, I can help you get the most out of Cape Town's photogenic landscapes.

Contact me to book a session, and let's explore the beauty of Cape Town through the lens together!

About the Author:

Jürgen Banda-Hansmann

Jürgen Banda-Hansmann is a professional photographer based in Cape Town, specializing in portrait, headshot, and event photography. Originally from Germany, Jürgen has called Cape Town home for the past 25 years, allowing him to combine his European training with an intimate knowledge of Cape Town's diverse landscapes and cultures. With over two decades of experience capturing the essence of the Mother City and its people, Jürgen offers premium photography services for individuals, businesses, and events.